Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Grocery Shopping - Oman Style

Grocery shopping in Oman is quite the experience - from Lu Lu Hypermarket to the Sultan Center to Carrefore - all have wonderful varieties of fresh produce, fresh fish andevery type of date imaginable. Some of the fruits and vegetables I did not recognize. Oman grows most of their fresh produce year around. The site of the fresh cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers is wonderful.

The meat counter boasts fresh beef and lamb and goat! Whole lamb hangs in the refrigerator case.

Fresh fish, shellfish, squid, etc. is the norm. The dividers made completely of ice that you see the fish in are freshened and carved regularly by the workers to keep the fish clean and cold.

The store we were in had a brick oven to bake the fresh breads - very cool. I would like one of those.
The middle eastern countries are known for their sheesha. It is a water pipe of sorts that a fruit flavored tobacco is placed in and people sit around and smoke the sheesha. It seems odd to be able to purchase such an item at your local grocery store!
The grocery carts have magnetic wheels - most stores are on at least two levels - the escalators do not have steps - the are flat - the wheels of the carts stick magentically to the steel belt and you can go up and down the levels with your cart... They are awful to steer on flat surfaces - you have to kind of glide them around. And yes, they did have quite a nice selection of na beer for Dick.

1 comment:

  1. Not to mention Lulu's has a pretty nice selection of Non-Alcoholic Malt beverages for Dad! And he thought he would have to go without! :)
