Sunday, March 15, 2009

Odds and Ends - Dick and Carol's Adventures

Carey, Chad and the kids were the best of hosts! They had a ton of stuff going on, but seemed to take care of us first. We thank them for a great time. They had report cards due and Carey is traveling to Istanbul, Turkey on Wednesday with her Destination Imagination teams for competition. She will be gone for 4 days with 10 students!

This one is for you, Meredith!

This is the ceiling in part of the Wafi Mall in Dubai -

Cell phone towers in Dubai are cleverly disguised as extremely tall palm trees.

Cameron doing his C3PO imitation - saying "wait for me, R2!" Not a very good video, but had to share it!

Fallon lost her 6th tooth while we were there!

We came across areas where fields full of standing up rocks were found. We did not find out what it was about, and will check into it further. It seemed so strange as though they were placed on end on purpose.

1 comment:

  1. many of the sites remind me of what we would see in Spain with the bright colors and the art work. I don't know about the palm tree cell phone towers.
